Bringing a pet home can be over whelming for first time pet owners. A dog or a cat is cute to look at and cuddle but keeping a pet at home is a different ballgame altogether. They are living, breathing individuals who need lot of care and nourishment.
Many pet owners find themselves at a loss after bringing a dog/puppy at home. They don’t know what to feed, when are the vaccines due etc. etc.
So, today we are sharing some tips to ponder upon BEFORE you think of bringing a pet home.
1. Can you Commit?
Can you take your dog out for a walk at least twice or thrice a day?
Pets need regular exercise and walks are important part of it among other things like taking them for vet visits, providing species appropriate food and all round care.
Commitment to see your pet through thick & thin is crucial.
2. Will the pet fit your lifestyle?
A pet, whether a dog or a cat or any other small companion animal should fit your ability to provide for its temperament.
Research the breed requirement & compatibility with your living environment prior to bringing a pet home. Every breed of dog has certain unique needs to thrive. So please consider them before bringing a pet home.
3. Find a vet beforehand
Research & find out a reliable veterinary professional beforehand.
Make sure you have access to a vet or animal hospital in cases of emergencies.

4. Make the home pet-friendly
Search out hazards and get them out of the way.
Check your home and garden for toxic plants for pets.
5. Be Prepared for Adjustment
A pup or an adult dog will take time to settle down at a new environment/home. Thus be ready to make adjustments and make him or her comfortable in first few weeks.
6. Behavioral Training!
House training begins at a very young age. Pups pick up tricks fast. Holds same for adult dogs though. Begin training on that first outing and enjoy the process.

7. Consult a pet nutritionist
Streamline the diet right from day 1 for a happy & healthy pet.
Get in touch with a professional.
8. ID your pet
Ensure your pet is properly outfitted with ID.
Have your contact information on your pet’s collar, either on a tag or printed directly onto the collar.
9. Consider Spaying or Neutering your pet
Lot of diseases including cancer can be avoided with spay / neuter. Contact a veterinary professional for the needful.
10. Adopt Don't Shop
Consider adopting a dog or cat who needs a loving home rather than purchasing & boosting the illegal backyard breeding business.